Archive for February 11th, 2008

All was well.

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Well we did it! Everything went without a hitch (well except for the main one of course). The limo driver, co-ordinator and minister were all perfectly lovely and the ceremony went smoothly throughout. I managed not to cry right up until the end at the “I now pronounce you…” part. We’ve got lots of photos to go through but here is one for now. (Sorry Erica I didn’t wear a flashing veil.)

Thank you all so much for your comments, messages and texts. The whole day has been completely stress-free and wonderful. I have never been this happy and the best part of all is that now I need not call him Mr. Dotson. I may call him “my” Mr. Dotson.

(I expect Sue, Doris, Erica, Hilde and any other Jane Austen fans to get that reference!)

More pictures to come tomorrow!

The BIG day

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Today is the day.  THE day.  In less than 8 hours from now we will be married.  Phones have been going off since 7:30 this morning.  Granted, the first was work, but after that they just kept ringing, beeping and buzzing with calls and text messages.  You people do know we’re hours behind you, right?  😛

It’s good, though.  No worries.  It was difficult getting to sleep as well as staying asleep.  Do you remember, as a kid, that feeling you got the night before Christmas?  It was so hard to go to sleep because of the anticipation of what the next day brought.  That’s how I felt last night.  I think Maria felt like that too.  After the buffet (p-a-r-t-y), we came up to the room and crashed on the bed while watching TV.  We were in fits of laughter for most of the evening.  Even things that weren’t that funny in all reality we found hilarious.  I can’t really remember a time when I was this happy.