Archive for November 21st, 2010

20 Weeks and Kicking!

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

Maria has been able to feel the baby moving for several weeks now.  But last night was the first that I have been able to feel it.  I’ve put my hand on her belly several times when she said it was moving around, but I could never feel anything.  It seems like every time she eats something or whenever she first comes to bed that the baby starts to move around.  Last night, she came to bed and, like clockwork, the baby started to move.  I put my hand on her belly and, to my great surprise and delight, I could actually feel it moving!

I find it fascinating and odd all at the same time.  I can only imagine how Maria must feel.  It was the smallest of thumps under my hand, but it was definitely moving about.  I hear stories of people seeing distinct hand or foot shaped prints pressing outwards on the belly, but we’re months away from that.  While mind blowing-ly amazing, this would freak me right out!  It doesn’t help that today I awoke with a headache and came downstairs bright and early to find Alien playing on television.


Sunday, November 21st, 2010

If you are reading this, then you are either friend or family since I have made the blog private. I know blogs are SO old school (everybody Tweets or is on Facebook), but with the baby on the way I wanted a place to log what is going on with that. Thus the security changes.

Since it’s a hassle to have to register and log in to read our ramblings, doing so tells me that you care.  That, or you’re a voyeur.  In either case, thanks for being so interested.  I’m hopeful that one day, assuming there isn’t a server crash, that our child will be able to read these words and understand what life was like prior to his/her birth.  It will also serve to remind me, as I’m sure to be senile in my old age (i.e. a year or two from today).